The Circle represents a generation of educated Muslims who are dedicated to the advancement and well-being of the community. The Green Crescent symbolizes Islam. The Yellow Globe represents Muslims around the world. The Shaking Hands represents brotherhood. The Book represents knowledge, and the Graduation Hat represents Graduates.

Charitable Association of Cambodian Islamic Graduates (CACIG) is a non-government organization that is actively involves in missionary work, education and economic activities. CACIG was registered on 26 December 2011 under the Societies Act 1994, under the Ministry of Interior of Cambodia with registration number 1892. It was also registered on 07 August 2012, under the Ministry of Cult and Religion of Cambodia with the registration number 191.


“To create a religious society that is prosperous and progressive”
Cambodia is a multi-religious society. CACIG acknowledges this and will work with all communities for the benefit of the Ummah. It is the responsibility of CACIG to peacefully promote the understanding of Islam to all.

Prosperous means a situation in which the community enjoys a living standard far above the poverty level. Every member in this community is able and have the opportunity to participate in economic activities that provides a high level of income.

A progressive society is one where the community has a high level of education. The use of science and technology is also widespread at all levels of the community.


1. To conduct both formal and informal educational activities in order to raise the standard of education and level of thinking of the community. This includes religious and secular subjects.

2. To promote the understanding of Islam to both Muslims and non-Muslims. CACIG will carry out this activity peacefully in the context of a multi-religious society.

3. Our welfare activities are efforts meant to help the less fortunate in society in all aspects of their life. It is meant to eradicate poverty and illiteracy by, wherever possible, to improve their abilities to stand on their own two feet.

4. To develop the economic well-being of community through commerce and industry. By doing so, CACIG would be able to provide employment opportunities for all while at the same time provide income to finance its activities.


Open to all Muslim graduates from universities recognized by CACIG.

Open to all members of the community in Cambodia regardless of race or religion.


Values are often referring to as Ethics or Morals. It is essentially a code of Conduct that governs our behaviour. It tells us what is acceptable and what is Unacceptable behaviour. It guides our conscious.

The Foundation of Values in Islam is the Belief in One God (Tauhid) and belief in the Day of Judgment (Akhirah). These two pillars of beliefs drives man to Strive for behaviour that is Morally Good in The Eyes of Allah (Quran 2:177).

A code of conduct will only be diligently practice if its adherents believed that Allah is All Knowing, Seeing and Hearing at All Times and Places and that on the day of Judgement all Deeds and behaviour will be Rewarded or Punished in accordance with Islamic teachings (Quran 26:88-89).

In Islam moral behaviour or Amal Shalih refers to any virtuous behaviour not just acts of worship. It is expected to be practised in All Circumstances both in one’s Private or Public life It must therefore be embedded in our inner self. (Q7:33, Q49:13).

CACIG has identified 8 Core Values that it regards as essential at this stage if social development of the Muslim community in Cambodia. This does not mean that other Islamic values are not important. CACIG is of the view that prioritising these values will help the community to focus on its Development. In practise most values are intertwined with one another and difficult to separate.


Integrity (Amanah)
Discipline (Istiqamah)
Sincerity (Ikhlas)
Charity (Sadaqah)
Justice (Adil)
Cooperation (Kerjasama)
Patience (Sabar)
Humility (Tawaduk)

1. Meaning of Integrity (Amanah)

Means strict adherence to Islamic moral and ethical principles in all circumstances. It also means honesty and trustworthiness. If given a task the person can be relied upon to execute it to the best of his ability. If entrusted with valuables the person will uphold the trust and not cheat or do something for personal gain. Above all a person with integrity is fearful of Allah and the day of judgement. Such a person will keep their promises and fulfilled their obligations. (Quran 4:58, 5:1, 23:8).

2. Meaning of Discipline (Istiqamah)

Discipline is the willingness and ability to control oneself to adhere to rules and regulations and the willingness to punish others who breach such rules. Discipline is therefore is about Steadfastness in obeying the rules and regulations set by Allah and his Prophet regardless of the difficulties one has to face in implementing them. In the social context it also refers to the willingness to punish those who breach social disciplines (for example those who commit crimes). (Quran 11:112, 42:15).

3. Meaning of Sincerity (Ikhlas)

Sincerity means leading a life solely for the sake of Allah. His only does things for the Sake of Allah and only hope that he will be rewarded accordingly. He has no ulterior motives or personal gain. Ikhlas is clearly link with ehsan. Knowing that Allah knows what is in our hearts will make one more sincere in performing their duties. (Quran 3:29, 6:12, 39:35, 40:65).

4. Meaning of Charity (Sadaqah)

Charity means spending what Allah has given us to those who needs them. It means using your energy, talent, resources, money, possessions or whatever else, to help and to do good to those in need. As an individual and an organization helping the poor, orphans, musafir and others in need is a duty. It must however be done with Ikhlas. Charity reflects compassion of the ummah. (Quran 2:22,64,215,271, 3:99, 63:10).

5. Meaning of Justice (Adil)

Justice means Fairness, Fair Play, Equitable (not necessarily equal) and right minded. It also means placing things in their right places. In Islam justice is an important Objective to be achieve in achieving objective the PROCESS must also be just. Being just is also a Virtue. Being just makes a person closer to Allah. (Quran 4:135, 5:8,42, 6:152, 77:55, 17:337, 25:63, 42:15, 49:9-10).

6. Meaning of Cooperation (Kerjasama)

Cooperation can only happen when there is more than one person working in a group. It means collaboration, helping one another, give and take and compromise to achieve common or higher objectives. In Islam cooperation must be done for what is good and not for EVIL purposes. Cooperation for objectives sanctioned by Islam is a virtue. (Quran: 104-105, 5:2, 8:1).

7. Meaning of Patience (Sabar)

Patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delays, problems, suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious. It is tolerance, restraint, composure, considerate and perseverance. It is a medicine against sadness and pain. Allah love those who are patient and will reward them handsomely. However, the degree of patience shown can vary in different circumstances. (Quran 2:155-157, 3:140,146, 8:46, 28:54, Q33:113, 45:153).

8. Meaning of Humility (Tawaduk)

Tawaduk means humility and humbleness without demeaning oneself. It is a deep realisation that whatever we have is from Allah the Almighty. Without His mercy we have nothing. Without his blessings we are helpless beings. It is this realisation that makes one submit to His Will and be a good servant. The wealth, knowledge and everything else that we are not really ours. We must therefore always be humble in dealing with our friends, colleagues and fellow Muslims. It is the opposite of being arrogant and takabur- people with these attitudes very often do not have a deep iman. (Quran 2:206, 6:23, 17:37).