Memorizing the Quran is an act in which a Servant wants to get the pleasure of Allah SWT and hope for the reward of this world and in the Hereafter.
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Whoever recites the Qur’an and memorizes it, making lawful what it makes lawful, and unlawful what it makes unlawful, Allah will admit him to Paradise due to it, and grant him intercession for ten of his family members who were to be consigned to the Fire.” [HR: at-Tirmidzi]
In 2015, CACIG started religious classes at Darul Uloom Al-Hashimiyyah madrasah and fully sponsored tahfiz al-Quran boys who were needy. Up till 2021, 96 boys have memorised 30 juzuk.
In 2022, CACIG opened another tahfiz al-Quran centre at Raudhatul Ulum Addiniyah madrasah and sponsored 36 boys who were needy.